Our goal this July and August is to provide our community with 100 hours of community service.
We love where we live, and we want to make a difference in whatever ways we can, both individually and collectively. To "Love Like Jesus" is the mission statement of The Vineyard - Chester Springs and we hope to demonstrate that to those around us in need by giving our time, knowledge and energy to make a difference. It doesn't matter how young or old you are, there is space for you to serve someone!
Events and Projects
Events and Projects
Stay tuned to this page to see either the events we are hosting or the organizations & churches we are partnering with to serve our communities! Things like meal packing parties, clean-up projects and more will be detailed soon in this section.
More Ideas
More Ideas
These are great to do on your own, with the family, your tripod or your life group!
Remember! Let's be attentive to those around us in need and think creatively on how we can help.
If you have any suggestions or know of any projects that need help,
we'd love to hear them at church@csvineyard.org