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Church Interior

Prayer at the Vineyard

Church Interior

Week of Prayer - January 2025

Monday, January 6th - Friday, January 10th 

with a Morning of Praye
r & Worship
on Saturday, January 11th (10am-12pm)
at the church in the cafe (childcare available)

You are invited to sign up to pray by yourself or with others (grab a friend, a family member, your tripod or life group!) in one-hour intervals, with the goals to cover the whole week’s waking hours (Monday-Friday, 6am-10pm) in intercessory prayer and to try out some prayer practices.

For prayer prompts, we encourage you to use the list of "big asks" from our church community that will be gathered during our worship service on January 5th and will be shared with partners and regular attenders via e-mail later that day. Additional themes and prayer resources are available below.


Sign up here.

Church Interior

Morning of Prayer & Worship

Saturday, January 11th

We look forward to coming together for a time of communal prayer and worship at the church to close out our week of prayer! Hope to see you there!

Childcare will be available!

Church Interior

Ongoing Prayer Opportunities

Sunday Pre-Service Prayer: 
All are welcome to join as we gather to pray for the church community and listen to what God has for us that morning. If you'd like to practice hearing from God through listening prayer, this is a great place to do that! Just come to the Chat Room from 9:15am to 9:45am any Sunday.

Sunday Service Prayer Ministry Team: 
To learn more about our prayer ministry team that prays for and with people during our Sunday service, we encourage you to reach out to prayer[at] for information about upcoming trainings and next steps.
Prayer Chain: 
The prayer chain is a designated group of people who are notified of urgent prayer requests within the church and who are committing to praying for those needs. If you would like to hear more or be added to the prayer chain, please e-mail prayer[at]
Prayer Support:  
If you need prayer support, there are several ways you can share your requests - fill out a prayer card at the info table in the lobby on Sunday mornings, fill out a digital prayer card any time during the week, or e-mail prayer[at] You can indicate whether you would like your request to be sent out to the prayer chain or be shared with staff only. We'd love to pray for you!

Church Interior

Prayer Practices

Breath Prayer - Pray a simple, intimate prayer of heartfelt desire before God. Speak a simple phrase as you breathe in (ex - Abba, Father) and a simple phrase as you breathe out (ex - I belong to You).


Centering Prayer - Quiet your heart and rest in God alone. Focus on a simple word or phrase or verse from Scripture that expresses your desire for God (ex - love, peace, grace, Jesus, Shepherd)


Fixed-Hour Prayer - Pray at certain times every day. (ex - morning, noon, bedtime)


Prayer Walking - Walk and pray in an area you are concerned about. Some examples can be your neighborhood, your place of work, the area around your child’s school or government buildings. See the places through Jesus’ eyes and listen and pray intentionally. This can be done silently or out loud, even in groups.



AcronymsUse these to organize your written and spoken prayers: 


PRAY (also check out the Lectio 365 app)
PAUSE: to be still & acknowledge God’s presence
REFLECT: on a Scripture
ASK: for God’s help
YIELD: to His will in your life by surrendering or confessing 



ADORATION: Express love and worship of God.
CONFESSION: Repent of the ways you have wronged God or others and ask for forgiveness. 
THANKSGIVING: Praise God for the good things in your life. 
SUPPLICATION: Ask God for what you need.



"Come, Holy Spirit" Vineyard Prayer

Read "A Brief History Of The Prayer, “Come, Holy Spirit” here.




For a printable copy of these prayer practices, click here. [PDF]

Church Interior

Intercessory Prayer

Use these themes as you pray for your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, communities, country and world. 


Pray for Faith & Hope
God, fill us with more faith and hope in this life and the life we are promised. Keep our eyes on you, Jesus, the true source of hope. 


Pray for Love & Unity
God, cause love and unity to well up in us, so that we can show your glory and goodness to others. Help us to choose unity over division. Forgive for the places we cause discord. As we seek to be peacemakers, show us how to be unified as a church so we will be known for our love.


Pray for Wisdom & Discernment
God, give us a desire for Your Word as the true source of wisdom. Holy Spirit, make us receptive to your leading. 


Pray for Perseverance
God, let us find you in our suffering.
Give us steadfastness to endure trials with grace, and receive care and even joy from you as we persist.

Pray for Relationships 

God, give us the vision you have for our families & friendships so we will be protected from the evil one, and be on guard against schemes of the enemy. 


Pray For Those Who Are Experiencing Hardship & Health Concerns

God, show us how to help the hurting and needy. Bring your life and healing to our bodies, our minds and our spirits. Bless our health care providers. Bring your kingdom through medical care and your healing power.


Pray for Ministry & Mission

We pray that many more will come to know, love and follow you Jesus. Help us cooperate with each other, and partner with you to accomplish your mission. 


Pray for Reconciliation

Lord, remove every hint of prejudice, bigotry, racism or animosity within us. Help us to love like Jesus as we respect and value all people. Give us your heart of inclusion for every people, tongue and tribe.


Pray for Church Leadership
God, protect and provide for our pastors and leaders. As they face challenges, give them deep faith, wisdom, strength, and encouragement.


Pray for our Communities 
Jesus calls us to love our neighbors. Lord, give us ideas of how we can care for our community through simple acts of tangible service and how we can support them through prayer.


Pray for the Global Church & the World

God, we ask for a move of your Spirit to empower Christians all over the world to bring peace and tangible service to people in crisis. Increase their courage and faith. Help them to stand firm in convictions when facing pressures of the culture and other religions. We ask you specifically to intervene where people are suffering from human trafficking, terrorism, and scarcity of clean water and food.


Click here for prayer prompts for some countries at war. [PDF]



To pray scripture passages related to the above themes, click here. [PDF]​



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